Substation asset life extension
Your substation is a complex hub of high-voltage equipment that works hard every day to power your production. Do you know your critical substation assets? Do you have strategies in place for maintaining them?
Click on the substation components below to learn more about what they do, why they fail, and how you can prolong their reliable life.
Essentially, a bushing is like an insulating plug for your transformer. They allow electrical current to travel safely from the cable into the transformer’s tank, preventing the outer metal structure from becoming energized. Bushings are typically constructed of molded, glazed porcelain and can use mineral oil or synthetic resin bonded paper to increase dielectric strength.
Failure modes
Extreme temperatures (can cause structural cracks)
Flashover (high temperatures, damage to porcelain)
Glazing defects (threatens insulation integrity)
Pollution (contamination on the bushing surface can reduce the dielectric strength which can lead to deterioration and eventual failure).
Oil leaks
Partial Discharge breakdown
Reliability considerations
Power factor and capacitance electrical tests
Partial discharge (PD) monitoring
IR scanning
Visual checks for damage
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Power factor for bushings