Substation asset life extension
Your substation is a complex hub of high-voltage equipment that works hard every day to power your production. Do you know your critical substation assets? Do you have strategies in place for maintaining them?
Click on the substation components below to learn more about what they do, why they fail, and how you can prolong their reliable life.
To use an oversimplified analogy, the switchgear is like the air traffic controller in your substation. It helps distribute power to various destinations, manage the electric load, and protect against faults. Consisting of a metal enclosure mounted with circuit breakers, fuses, and switches, the switchgear unit ensures the current flows where it should and at safe levels.
Failure modes
Loose connections
Overuse of oil circuit breakers (contaminates breaker oil, weakens dielectric strength)
Failure of potential transformers and current transformers
Short circuit
Fails to operate
Partial discharge
Reliability considerations
IR scanning
PD detection
Electrical testing
Find out more about...
IR windows
Safe IR scanning